Photo by Rajiv Bajaj on Unsplash

The Coffee Corner: Summer


It’s been a bit hot lately hasn’t it?

That latest thunderstorm a few days back was next-level. Not just because thunderstorms are great, but because I’m 32 which apparently means I’ve become a grandmother and I was just so overjoyed that my plants would finally get a proper decent drink and have a chance of surviving. Which is good really because they cost us a bomb and we only planted them about a month or two ago so that would have been a REAL waste.

Anyway, I digress. As you can see, my 2023 commitment to publishing The Coffee Corner posts weekly NO MATTER WHAT went down the pan after week 2. It’s a shame really because I really do try, the reason I started doing these posts was because A) I love intentionally setting aside 5 minutes as I eat lunch or wait for my coffee to brew to read other people’s email newsletters (Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Libby Page, Marianne Power, or James Clear’s to name a few!) and I fancied doing some myself. And B) I often read/watch/see things that I think should be shared because they’re just so good and these posts give me an outlet to do so. That and writing does wonders – and I mean wonders – for my mental health.

I publish out into the abyss as a form of personal but public journal, but what’s mad is that people read the posts too! There is a whole bunch of you out there just like me who take small joys in reading this stuff. High five friend!

Anyway, got some GREAT stuff for you this week!


if life is a game, these are the rules

I first heard about this book when I launched one of my latest client’s podcasts The Mindset School for Soulful Entrepreneurs (which is an AMAZING show by the way, and no I’m not biased – or maybe I am a little – but definitely give it a listen), and Natalie accredited her success and basically everything in her life to this book.

It’s essentially a 10 lessons for life kind of book. 10 lessons you can carry with you, small changes you can make, slight tweaks on your outlook and actions, if you will, to improve your life.

I’ve been reading a few pages each night in bed before I fall asleep and I am REALLY enjoying it. I’m hoping to be finished it by next week so I’ll give you the full lowdown then, but for now I do recommend it (and you can learn more about it here)


This amazing video from Glasto 2019

With it being Glasto week, I thought it was very timely that I watched this video again recently for the first time in ages, it’s a CLASSIC. Provides absolute, pure, unfiltered joy. Remember when Alex got up and did THE BEST performance alongside Dave in 2019?

What an experience for that lad. I was going to say I can only imagine how he felt, but to be honest I kind of feel like I know exactly how he felt because something similar happened to me when I was about 17 years old.

I went to see Mika (remember – the amazing artist behind Grace Kelly? Love Today? Lollipop?) I was on the front row clearly belting out every song word-for-word when my friend and I were invited up on stage during Love Today to basically just have a bit of a dance with Mika. Still to this day it is one of the best experiences of my life. A girl next to us actually videoed the whole thing and put it on YouTube, but it’s gone now as this was like 2007. At least I have the memories!

Anyway, enjoy this spectacle if you’ve not already seen it and enjoy again if you have.


americans by Janelle Monáe

I’ve been listening to some random playlists lately to get me to power through some work tasks that I need a bit of an extra push for, and I discovered this song. It’s great, super catchy and fun!

Before You Go…

Call me late to the game but I’ve recently discovered the benefits of exercise. I used to go through phases where I went to the gym but I never really stuck to it. I run, but again it’s fairly sporadic and I never really get into a routine, it’s more just a case of as-and-when.

So if unlike me you’re already well aware of the beauty of exercise, how often are you exercising? I hear mixed responses of NEVER, three times a week, 5 times a week, EVERY DAY!!! I am wondering what is a happy medium really.

Let me know!

Gracias and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week dear reader!

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