A Year of Mindfulness – 28 – Writing

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Week 28 of the Mindfulness Challenge was the week commencing 3rd August, and was the week of writing! Three or four times this week, I was to set aside 30 minutes and take a pen and paper or my computer, and just write. The idea was that I was to write in a freestyle manner, the subject didn’t matter, but the point was to write with no end goal or structure, just freely and whatever came out. Apparently freestyle writing is a relaxing way to discover and expand on your thoughts.

This week was a bit ironic, as I really should have used one of the 30 minute slots to write and publish this blog post! Instead, I’m doing it almost 5 weeks later – oops! Things have been so busy in the last month or so, that I haven’t managed to work on the mindfulness challenge posts. However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing them!

I did set aside time to write this week and I wrote a bit in my journal, as well as other general bits of writing for my side-job, obviously (my side job is as a copywriter!). However, I didn’t really devote the time I should have to this task in the way that I wanted to, as I felt super overwhelmed with jobs and general life during that week (and really, for the entire month of August!). It is something I intend on doing moving forward, especially when I’m no longer working my full-time job as of next week! Writing is one of those things that really helps me relax and open my mind up, and I definitely need to do it more. Though, the fact that I’m finishing in my job next week to become a Freelance Copywriter is a good sign that I’ll be doing a lot more, I can’t wait!

My only issue with this task is that I think there’s a difference between freestyle writing and journalling. When I write in a journal, I’m recording what’s been going on in my life, whereas I believe the idea of free-writing is that you put a pen to paper and write whatever comes to your mind. I have heard that this is how some authors even got started writing their novels! I’m always curious abut people who are able to do this as I’ve heard so many interesting things come from it. I don’t think I really understand how to do it!

If you’re reading this and have any insight into freestyle writing, I’d love to hear it!

Otherwise, I’ll finish up here and see you next week for week 29!

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